On this page you will see all of the things I learned and made with linocut. This project was not as fun as all of the other things we have done this year, but I did my best to make something good.



To make a linocut you need several things. Firstly you need a picture of what you are going to make. Then when you have finished your drawing, you will need carbon paper and lino. The carbon paper is used to get the drawing you made in you paper on the lino (which is the thing you cut everything out of). When you have done all of that you can start the cutting. For that you need pfeil tools. Those are the things to cut the lino and make your creating.

When you cutted everything out that you wanted then you pour some paint on a piece of glass and rub it all over the glass pane. 

Then you take your linocut and you put the paint over it with you roller. When you have done that you are almost done with your linocut, the only thing you have to is put the linocut with the paint on a piece of paper and press it hard. If you have done that you are done with everything. Now you can hang it above your bed.


This project was one of the less fun projects of the year. It was mainly because I cut out to many of the line and my final painting was not as what I had intended to make. 

Even though I did enjoy cutting everything out. It is just fun to do, but it did not work out for me.

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