This is going to be the page about my final project of the year. For my final-project I would like to do some kind of photoshoot. More information is on this page.

For this project I need several things and people. You need a nice background and lighting. It depends on where you are, and if you need a model for a picture or is the picture of the area you are looking at. 

What I would like to do is make pictures of people, and not about things out or inside.

For this project I will also need some kind of "studio" for pictures inside, but if I would like to go outside I will need less. Probably only a camera and a model.

I personally do like pictures of landscapes but I've tried that enough and I wanted to do something different, and what I have never done before.  

On the other page  you can see where I want to take my pictures.


The pictures are bellow this text box. Some are edited and some are just regular. To see a comparison you can see the edited and not edited.

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